Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Back to biking: so far, so good.

Mono Cliffs PP - beautiful views, fun trails.
So it's begun. I have been able to ride my bike many times, since my last post, without too much pain. Truth: there are some times when my knee gets a bit sore, and I feel that weird tightening up my leg into my hip, but not so much that I feel the need to stop riding.

What has made the difference this year? Certainly the effort made at strengthening my hip flexors and leg muscles (particularly the good ole glutes). The work done with Steve Neal, I think, was vital - and if it wasn't for the need to purchase a new furnace ($: sigh), I would definitely still be doing (ahem, could afford) those awesomely fun workouts. But, interestingly, it's not as though I've had setbacks since stopping those workouts just about a month ago now. I make sure to not ride too long (so far, not over an hour). I make sure to moderate, if I can, my effort while I'm riding - which can be tough, when having trail fun. And I've been keeping up with weight training twice a week - doing deadlifts and squats and lunges and glute bridges and so on - and thereby staying strong for time spent in the saddle.

In more good news, I've also begun to run again. Short runs (nothing over 5K), and at an easy pace. Sticking to trail helps a lot, and again, not enough credit can be given to the strength work done since February.

Still haven't had the ultrasound/cortisone treatment that was prescribed when I went to Collingwood Sports Medicine - I did follow up with a phone call, thinking I had missed something, but they reiterated that they would call me when the appointment had been set up. Hm.

Next steps (pardon the pun): picking a goal for late summer, both for riding and for running. And maybe, the Stomp the Quarry run (I think the 5K) on July 28 as an interim effort. We'll see!